Thursday, 29 November 2007
all done and dusted
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Smoothly does it
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
HSMS mini catch up
Will catch up with you tomorrow... hope you are well. Big (((((hugs))))) to Anita at this difficult time, my thoughts are with you.
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Bad blogger!!!
Yesterday was crop day, and I must say that I actually the least productive I have ever been on an all dayer!!! I got most of this LO done... spending an age cutting the title so that it looked right... it was pointed out to me that I could have just printed it off the net and stuck it on, but then it wouldn't have been touchy feely like it is now. You don't really get the effect of this LO fully as the blue bazzill bling doesn't show too well on screen.
Got home to read brilliant news on the blog of Ms Stubbington... I am soooooo happy for the whole family, and send out HUGE congratulations. It's always such good news when fertility issues are beaten and you hear of a BFP.
I went for a scan this morning to see what's going on, or not, with my excuse of a reproductive system. It wasn't the most pleasant of experiences, and the sonographer was one of the most abrupt women I have ever met. She didn't give me any indication as to the result of the scan, so I guess we will have to wait and see.
Right off to separate too fighting boys... Oliver has his best friend over to play, and I think it is now time to take Adam home... the petty bickering has stepped up a gear!!! Two tired and narky boys after an afternoon at Kiddy Chaos!!!
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Oh what a night!
A new craft forum has officially opened it's doors. The Craft Diner is looking pretty good. I was invited to be a pre opening diner, and must say it has been a lot of fun. Go and check it out...
Thursday, 15 November 2007
I am so fed up
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Monday, 12 November 2007
Winter is here!!!
Sunday, 11 November 2007
Fresh air needed!!!
The last photo is my favourite... I just think it captures Oliver so well. I really like the second to last too... just annoyed that the pushchair is in the shot... anybody any photoshop tips to get rid of it???Just had a quick go with the clone tool... not perfect but better:)
Saturday, 10 November 2007
Self portrait Saturday
Thursday, 8 November 2007
I did this LO last night as a confidence boost for Oliver. He got really upset about going to school on Tuesday... proper full on hysterics!!! We got to the bottom of it, and it all came down to him not knowing his words for the week. Each week they are given 3 words in their word book that they have to learn to read... normally he manages to learn his words no problem... but this week he keeps getting stuck on 'everyone' and 'very'. I reassured him that it didn't matter if it took a little bit longer to learn these words as he had already learnt so many words since being at school. We then had to count up the words in his book that he could read... and once we'd done gone through the whole 'no, Harry can't read any words, and I bet you can read better than grandad' he felt a lot better about things. I really don't want him to start getting worried about going to school... not at 4, there's a lot of years ahead yet...LOL!!!
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
I feel so saintly!!!
As soon as I open the front door the autumn will come in so the floors will no longer be sparkling and clean. As soon as child number one comes home, the wash basket will have a dirty uniform thrown into it, once the washing line has been emptied the ironing basket will be full, once the dinner has been cooked the pots will need to be done, once Rob has eaten a rock bun, there will be crumbs in places where crumbs shouldn't be!!! But for this short moment in time I am basking in the glory of being a domestic goddess!
I also managed to do a quick LO whilst Harry and Reuben were asleep. Now this is unheard of for me... I normally faff for hours and it takes an age for a LO to be completed. So today I decided to do a Jen, and get a LO done in super quick time... must say I am quite liking the end result too. Now if only this speed scrapping could be done all the time!
I haven't done this since last week, and have missed the daily prompts. Yesterday Kirsty started the new theme of emotions... easy right? well not so when you add to the equation that you can't take a photo of facial expressions! Yesterday's prompt was sad, quite appropriate really as this is how I have been feeling the past few days. I have decided to combine the prompt with today's 'excited'.I am having a bit of a personal trauma at the moment regarding work and children. I am so lucky to have been blessed with my boys, both of which were the result of taking the drug clomid. I am also really lucky that I am a sahm so get to be with Harry all day, and take and fetch Oliver to and from school. I am at the stage now where I am thinking that I would like another child... just one more, but then I think that maybe I should just be grateful for what I have. With two children we can afford for me to stay at home until Harry goes to school full time, but if I had a third then I would have to go back to work. Part time Art teacher jobs just do not come up, so going back to work would mean full time, which I know would make me sad as I would be missing so much of the children.
So I have been prescribed clomid. And this little box of tablets has been sitting in the kitchen all weekend. There is one part of me saying take them... you know you want to. Then there is the other part of me saying that I shouldn't take them.
I am so sad, confused, excited, happy, scared and unsure... I really do not know what I am going to do!!!
Sunday, 4 November 2007
Had a great weekend.
Be back later to have a proper catch up... hope you are all having a fab weekend.