Friday, 8 February 2008

Quiet and Tidy

We have a quiet and tidy house, and it seems really weird!!! I can walk wherever I want and not go slip sliding on toys... I can put things down and know that they are safe from little hands... the dog is flaked out and looks dead chilled safe in the knowledge that he isn't going to get poked, prodded or have a toy dropped on his head!!!
So that's it for a whole week, loads of us time... which we fully intend to take full advantage of ;)

Yesterday's smile came last night when Harry wouldn't settle until I took him to be with me... I know people say you shouldn't do that, but the way I see it is they are only little for such a short time, what harm is it going to do in the long run. It was rather lovely to have him pressed into me all night, even though he could have had half a double bed to himself.... oh no, had to be on mummy's side :)

The prompt over at HS:MS today is 'wrath'. There are a few things that make me angry.... quite often they are small things that I shouldn't let bother me, but I do. I admit that I do have quite a temper, and woe betide anyone who makes me cross... it's not a great personality trait, and I do try and keep a lid on things, but when I blow, I blow big time!!!

Harry bear has inherited my temper. He knows what he wants and if he doesn't get it... watch out!!! These photos show Harry tryong to get his hands on Oliver's Power Rangers game. Oliver wouldn't let him have it, and in the third picture you can see Harry scratching Oliver's face. This was the last photo in the series as I had to put the camera down to rescue my poor big boy from my wild little one!


Diane Rooney said...

Enjoy your house like that! ;) Oh I love those photos. So sweet and funny... good take on the word as well :)

Natalie said...

Harriet is in to everything and when you say no....that is a temper!! She has even made me bleed a few times!!

You will be missing the boys by tonight! Enjoy the peace.

Zoe said...

You won't know what to do with yourself by mid week! My daughter seems to know exactly when her Daddy's on night shift and on those nights she'll creep into our bed.

Jenga said...

So envious!!! For ENVY I am just going to post a pic of you!!! haha

Deanne said...

brilliant louise
my two boys are exactly the same, riley is a little terror and poor jack gets it, his temper is like mine, which is like yours lol
great take x

Anonymous said...

I think he wanted his attention! very cute!
ok nosey cows.....

etteY said...

hehehe so cute!! our house is just like that! :D

Jemma said...

love your boys, love how different they are in personality but similar in looks! But surely not i dont believe you have a temper :O

enjoy the time to yoursleves ;)

Anonymous said...

Well, no post on your blog boys....hmmmm!
I would not post either.
Thanks for you kind words to my Nosey Cows post, who needs SP anyways!

Jemma said...

you can have my icing anytime, ill save it up for when you come on holiday! xx