Wednesday 7 November 2007


Confused?!?!? most of the time yes...LOL!!! And always when confronted with one of Oliver's transformers toys!!! OMG how hard are these blimmin things to transform from vehicle to robot! I have long given up with the instructions as they are about as clear as Ikea instructions smeared with mud!!! This afternoon, after 15 minutes of bending plastic this way then that way, trying to get this bit to fit inside that bit... Oliver patted my hand and said sweetly 'it's ok mummy, I'll get a grown up to help'. I kid you not, those were his exact words! I am now thinking that maybe it wasn't a good idea getting more transformers for christmas.... oh the joy that awaits me on christmas morning...LOL!!!


Jenga said...

ROFPMSL!!! "get a grown up" hahahah send him round here pet ;) NOT :P


Bobs said...

Hahahahaha!!! Out of the mouths of babes.......! lolol

I still have a whole box of ORIGINAL Transformers from when my son was a boy. |

I still can't transform them!

Bambi said...

lol ... what kids can say (^_^)

Aubrey Harns said...

Great, great shot!

Unknown said...

LOL!! I loved Transformers the first time round, my fav was Optimus Prime and I wanted it desperately for Christmas but never got it - think I got an Etch a Sketch instead LOL

The Cook said...

Fabulous! We have the full set of these and I can only 'transform' one of them. My son always has to wait for his dad to come home to change them. Great shot. x

Hazel said...

Lol! at what Oliver said! Great shot.

Diana said...

LOL I have the same troube with all the remote controls!

etteY said...

LOL! kids today [sigh] :P

Jemma said...

DC all over the putter!!! Poor Oli, good luck in finding a "grown up"!!!!

have i mentioned just how much i LOVE this boy???


All of my Todays said...

Lol at Oliver. Boys toys are definetly confusing. x