Sunday, 6 May 2007

I had lots of fun

doing this LO!!! It might not make much sense to everyone else, but in this house it does!!!
Oliver tells me he loves me everyday, and the conversation goes the same way... everyday.

Mummy, I love you
Not as much as I love you
But I love you this big (holding hands far apart)
Well I love you bigger than a big jaffa cake.

Why a big jaffa cake? well if you had a BIG jaffa cake you would love it, a lot, wouldn't you? I know I would, especially if it still had only 1g of fat...LOL!!!
This is probably one of the easiest LOs I have done for ages... two bits of pp, and hand drawn and painted journalling to fill the page. Not a very good scan, as the bottom has gone dark for some reason... how very strange!!!


Jemma said...

great lo and i am SOOOO with you on the jaffa cake!!

Rach said...

Awwwww this is gorgeous - and a big jaffa cake - yummy!!!!!

** Paula ** said...

love how you did the lettering for your words - fab!

Jenga said...

too too too too cute :) James loves me 3 two p's !!! (as in money) LOL