All was not lost though and after a bit of a rummage through my stash I found this holographic embossing powder left over from way back in the day when I used it on cards. I used a Queen Kat stamp which is actually a coffee cup stain but works quite well for bubbles when used subtly, and some circular hero arts stamps clear embossed with the holographic stuff. A few magic buttons were added here and there too... just because!
We bought Bear this cheapo bubble gun a couple of weeks ago because Oliver got some new gormitis, and it was a good job we also bought the large refil bubble solution as he stayed outside blowing bubbles for pretty much the whole day.... much to the annoyance of our neighbour as they kept popping on her conservatory windows, he he he he!Think I am going through a green phase at the moment... all I seem to wear is green, and last night the only paper I wanted to use were green.... oh and now I think of it Bear and Dink are in green today!!!
Right off to enjoy the summer sun while it lasts... probably be chucking it down tomorrow!
Laters potaters (yes I know it is spelt wrong but it's how we say it in this house :P)