So I have taken a photo of the photo instead!!! Not great but you get the idea.
So we queued for about 20 minutes to see Santa, and Harry kept shouting and getting excited each time the door opened for another child to go in... but the moment we stepped into the castle, all hell broke loose! The tears and screaming started, and this was the best photo out of about 5 taken. I kind of expected a bit of resistance from Bear, but didn't expect him to have a full blown screaming fit! The minute I lifted him from Santa's knee he started to smile and talk to Santa like they were bessie mates.... boys!!! Santa doesn't look very happy on the photo either, but I guess it takes it out of you having to be nice to soooooo many crying children in one day! Oliver was very full of himself that he didn't cry, and was super impressed with the Biker Mouse toy he got. When Santa asked him what he wanted for Christmas he told him 3 things on his list, then Santa asked Harry what he wanted.... Oliver interrupted to say that he still had 2 things on the list....LOL!!! Got to make sure you let the big guy know everything you want eh?!?!